An update went out today that brings user lists to MyWaifuList. You can now declare your own lists on your profile and add Waifus to them via the Waifu page.

To get started, head to your profile under the account dropdown, view profile. From there, you can declare lists using New List. Reordering lists and Waifus is done via by dragging the handle.

The up arrow is their site wide popularity and the heart is their current site-wide ranking. The trash is their site wide trash ranking. We may change these later as in production, they don’t look that great.

Waifus will have a dropdown containing your lists on their page. Just click that then the list and you’re good to go!

Standard users can make up to 6 lists with 20 Waifus and Patreon Supporters can have up to 12 with 40 Waifus each.

Deployment was a little rocky so thank you for powering through it. I do expect some bugs with how large of an update this was, so thanks in advance for reporting them.

Full Changelog

  • Added User Lists Feature
  • Server Upgrades
  • Webpack Upgrades \ Dynamic Imports \ Build process upgraded
  • Moved to Github
  • Removed most jquery dependencies (if not all?)
  • Removed Isotope for gallery in favor of Macy
  • Removed typahead and bloodhound
  • Removed lity lightbox in favor of simplelightbox
  • Removed moment in favor of day.js
  • Server now returns less data on various pages
  • Most buttons got a makeover and look much better
  • War no longer displays votes when participating to encourage everyone to vote for their best girl, not just the one with the best changes of winning
  • Dark mode has better typography and contrast for many areas
  • Tables received a visual upgrade
  • Banned users will now have their comments and profile customization removed
  • Improvements to several tools moderators, power users, administrators
  • Images can now be reported as NSFW and will be hidden until clicked

NSFW Gallery Updates

You can now report gallery images as NSFW. This will make them hidden until clicked while our mods determine if the image should be kept or not. We store who is going through clicking the button so we can reward frequent reporters at a later date. Please check the TOS to get an idea of what qualifies as NSFW.

If you want NSFW, please drop by discord and check our #nsfw-waifu-gallery instead of uploading it to the site.

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