Anime has long been renowned for its breathtaking visuals and captivating storytelling. One recent anime that has caught the attention of audiences worldwide is Kamikatsu. With its unique blend of fantasy, action, and drama, Kamikatsu...
Smol update today
fixed issue where some uploads would have quality loss (series, banners)fixed vote buttons on mobile for commentsadded new discord link to the dashboardfixed the bug report link in the...
Hewwo, smol update here
fixed issue with skeleton loaders on dashboardfixed issue where medium speed typers had characters disappear when searchingmobile menu now auto closes when navigatingcurrent votes now show on top...
Follow us before big daddy B finishes his dial up connection, logs into his AOL 9.6, and downloads delete_tiktok.exe.
Ignore the name, our social media intern fucked it...
Made a few adjustments to the AI, which helped clear out the queue significantly. We'll also be dropping the feature which updates descriptions, as user descriptions are better. Items processed today will use the OG...