Anime has long been renowned for its breathtaking visuals and captivating storytelling. One recent anime that has caught the attention of audiences worldwide is Kamikatsu. With its unique blend of fantasy, action, and drama, Kamikatsu...
BOFURI Season Anime Set To Air 2022
Isekai-but-kinda-different-so-it-feels-okay fans rejoiced at the announcement of the second season of BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Out My Defense. The...
New Year, New Isekai
Crunchyroll recently announced it has secured the streaming rights to the anime adaptation of the manga titled "So I'm a Samsung FlexWash Front-Load Washer , so what?"
Amazon Vows To Hire Only Eldians
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos reaffirmed in a press conference Wednesday, December 30th 2020, that Amazon would continue to hire only Eldians for their workforce as part...
EX-ARM has returned with another next-gen trailer
The team behind EX-ARM has released another thrilling trailer of their amazing work. If you recall from our last post, EX-ARM...
Artists asked to stop horsing around
With the upcoming release of season 2 of Umamusume: Pretty Derby (ウマ娘 プリティーダービー) producers and licensors have once again asked fans to stop creating lewds of...