
Code Violet kills PC port to stop gooning

Developers of Code Violet, the spiritual successor to Dino Crisis, have decided not to bring their game to PC because they don’t want modders extracting their model, dropping it into source film maker, and making top-tier gooner content that could rival that of Disney.

In a twitter post that has gained over 1.5 million views, they say:

For those asking us about a PC version of Code Violet… the reason we are not bringing it to PC is we do not want anyone modding vulgar versions of the main character as well as other characters in the game.We hold our voice actresses and actors with high regard, as well as our artistic vision for the game and story and reject any form of destroying that with sexual mods.Making a joke out of our art and possibly tarnishing the reputation of our voice actresses and actors is not worth the extra money we can make.

Tweet from @TeamKillMedia

What a strange thing to say…

While it’s not uncommon for certain studios to take down mods if the actors are real characters playing their life-like appearance (Sorry, Keanu), it’s unclear why they mention voice actors in particular rather than just actors. It’s also strange to take such a wild stance when you should be worried about, IDK, shipping your game and ensuring your business stays afloat?

What do you all think?

Just kidding. Comments are not ready yet. Stay tuned! I am going to try to get them built this weekend.
